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Apicoltura Le Api del Brich

This is a small family-run beekeeping company. Deep attention is dedicated to the life and survival of bees, the apiaries are made up of a few hives each in order to promote less food competition and are located in the hilly-mountainous areas between the towns of Pollone and Sordevolo, areas not at all cultivated and little urbanized. The production is limited, honey is not purchased from third parties by choice, and is therefore offered only their product whose quality can be guaranteed. Tastes and availability of honeys depend on the years and on the overlapping of flowering in the periods of greatest collection of nectar. For the conduction of the various apiaries “Le Api del Brich” fully embraces the philosophy of the brand “Miele Biellese” to which it adheres and among the objectives of the project are the mechanical control of parasites in the hives and the prohibition of the use of poisons and synthetic substances to promote the absence of toxic residues in both honey and wax. Thanks to the permanent beehives located inside the Natural Reserve Parco Burcina “Felice Piacenza”, it takes part to the project “Parchi da Gustare” (Parks to be tasted) of Regione Piemonte, which aims at giving more visibility to the economic actors of each territory managed by the Parks of Piemonte and to the Parks themselves. It also takes part in the days of deepening and spreading information about the world of bees promoted by Parco Burcina using the educational hive and the classroom provided by the Park itself. It is possible to buy the products at the Candelo’s headquarter, they are shipped on order or you can go to some stores in the Biella’s territory and in the provinces of Turin and Imperia supplied with its products.

Marta Marino
348 0866546 | 347 5597059
via Monte Camino 90 - Candelo (Biella)